Shamanic energy healing is sacred work. It can have a profound impact on physical health, well-being, relationships, and quality of life. Each person is the driver of their own healing through their intention for what they want to shift, change and heal and how attentive they are to making changes in their thoughts and actions as they move forward. It can bring a person into their full expression of their True Self, their Soul and their Divine Plan.
Every session includes core shamanic energy healing techniques which could include extractions (clearing of energies, thoughtforms and beliefs), cutting or unwinding of cords, curse or vow clearing, soul retrieval, lineage and ancestral healing, and depossession. I have found that as energies on Earth have been shifting, the sessions are evolving and new healing processes are coming in to work on higher frequencies and multidimensional levels. These include DNA unwinding and activation, cellular memory clearing, multidimensional cord clearing, and direct frequency transmissions.
In my practice, I am inspired by my healing allies and the incredible energies and techniques they bring into healing sessions. In addition to my classic, shamanic allies and healing methods, I also work with Archangels, Galactic Beings, and Dragons. I use many energy tools including rattles, drums, crystal singing bowl, voice, and chimes. After years of personal energy practice, I have developed my gift as a transmitter of pure frequencies directly from higher dimensional realms and beings.
The healing work is done in the subtle energy realms by the spirits and allies that I have developed relationships with and is often supported by the spirits and allies that surround my client. It is amazing to witness the powerful shifts in energy patterns that result from energy healing and how they radiate throughout a client’s lifetime and other lifetimes, and how that sets into motion new trajectories for their lives. Because the work is based on shifting energy fields, healing sessions are equally effective in person or by phone or video. Currently, all of my sessions are held online.